Killiecrankie under threat

Followers on our social media channels will be fully alert to the threat at Killiecrankie 1689, where Transport Scotland's proposals for the dualling of the A9 impact severely on the battlefield core. The road runs directly between the two armies, roughly parallel with their deployments, and so the widening of the road inevitably damages the battlefield landscape. However as it is proposed to widen towards the southward side (the northward side would mainly remove spoil from the original roadbuilding, rather than original battlefield ground) the new carriageway would erase the main area in which the battle-lines collided. The effect is worsened by the inclusion in the battlefield zone of large lay-bys. The Trust has expressed its serious concerns, as has the local community and Historic Environment Scotland. In addition there is a petition which we would urge you all to sign to emphasise the strength of support for limiting the needless damage:

Press reports have recently suggested there will be a local public inquiry following the 183 objections listed during the consultation. Although our recent correspondence with Transport Scotland suggests these may be slightly premature, it remains likely that an inquiry will be called. We will continue to follow events closely.